- You know, I didn't know you'd feel that way about this movie. I don't know much about movies, but if I had... - Are these the only movies you go to? - Yeah, I mean I come and...This is not so bad. - ONE OF THESE DAYS, I'M GONNA GET- ORGANIZ-IZED! - You're only as healthy as you feel.
怎么变成了LGBT向了,是因为同志市场比较overlap 吗? 嗓子是好,但是人生真的还是太平淡了
“We’re nowhere and everywhere”还挺不寒而栗。设定有趣,但惊悚气氛根本没拍好,更提不上悬疑。其实黄种人也应该拍点yellow lives matter的片子。