Like wild animals的公主们活得好自由好快乐,有爱各种虫子的有爱打球的有沉迷看书的有热衷踩高跷的…男主是手艺人鞋匠,会吹笛子会跳芭蕾,比千篇一律的王子好啊 印度口音的鹦鹉好好玩哈哈哈好像Raj 十二公主的名字是按字母表排序来取的诶:Ashlyn Blair Courtney Delia Edeline Fallon Genevieve Hadley Isla Janessa Kathleen Lacey 音乐好美好魔法,另外看多了以后发现这部确实是建模比较好的一部,小娃娃看着没有那么恐怖;不过公主们的衣服做得太僵硬了颜色也太饱和;灰色的公爵夫人倒是很漂亮,她从脸到仪态到声音真的都很美丽,不过要自己喜欢的优雅才好,强制优雅就很痛苦,反规训的主题还是很好。
This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them! ("them", I mean shitty star wars films,or just films, far worse than midichlorian and Jar Jar Binks combined. And they think we deserve this fabulous shit. Look at the RT meter, small wonder why they thought so.